Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

What is a Self-Directed 401(k)?

Many people only have one retirement account (if any): their employer’s 401(k). These accounts are critical to most people’s retirement savings, but savers have little control over how the accounts are managed. There are only so many ways they can choose to invest their retirement funds. Naturally, some people will want to be more involved in the management of such an important asset.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

Why Your Business Credit Score Matters

Most people keep track of their personal credit score to ensure they’re eligible for home or auto loans, lower interest rates and more. But did you know that businesses can also have credit scores? Failing to pay attention to your small business credit score could be detrimental to your company’s growth over time.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

The Importance of a Small Business Cash Reserve

When starting your small business, you’ve budgeted for your location, equipment, inventory, working capital and more. But did you factor in the foundations of a cash reserve?

A cash reserve is a crucial aspect of business that entrepreneurs tend to forget. Also referred to as a “rainy day fund,” this pool of cash can be critical in carrying your business through difficult financial periods.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

Avoid These Top Business Credit Mistakes

If you’re planning to open a secured or unsecured line of credit for your small business, make sure to avoid these common and completely avoidable credit mistakes.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

The Advantages of SBA 7(a) Loans for Startups

One of the most common SBA loans distributed to small business owners is the SBA 7(a) loan. By guaranteeing a portion of the loan, the SBA incentivizes local and national banks to offer loans to aspiring business owners for lower interest rates and more favorable terms. There are many advantages to utilizing the 7(a) loan program over more traditional bank loans. Here are a few of the biggest.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

How Interest Rates Affect Small Businesses

Small businesses are feeling the strain of higher interest rates after the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise rates on March 23, 2023. Over the past 12 months, the Fed has been gradually increasing interest rates, and the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate is now at 8%. This benchmark rate is significant, as many loans, including SBA small business loans, are tied to it. Let’s explore the effects of interest rate increases on small businesses and how Tenet Financial Group’s ROBS program can help.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

Using Equity to Fund Your Business

The topic of startup funding is a stressful one for many entrepreneurs. They have big dreams for their business, but they aren’t sure how to get it off the ground without large amounts of debt. Fortunately for aspiring business owners, there are numerous ways to tap into the money you already have at your disposal.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

Franchise Funding: Unlocking Opportunities for Business Ownership

Franchising offers entrepreneurs a popular business model to establish their ventures by leveraging established brands and systems. However, franchise funding is essential to turn the dream of owning a franchise into reality, requiring capital investment. This article explores funding options and provides insights for aspiring franchisees to navigate the financial landscape.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

Can Existing Businesses Convert Using ROBS?

A Rollover as Business Startup (ROBS) is a popular funding method for new franchises and small businesses. ROBS allows small business owners to use personal retirement funds to purchase company assets and pay employee salaries.

However, a business doesn’t have to be brand-new to leverage ROBS funding. Learn how existing businesses can use ROBS as a funding option, too.

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Lindsey Kinzy Lindsey Kinzy

Spring Cleaning for Small Businesses

The change of the seasons has people itching to tidy up their rooms, clean out their closets and bring a breath of fresh air into their homes. But spring cleaning isn’t only a good idea for where you live. Small business owners can also benefit from doing a little spring cleaning of their own.

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