What to Do When Natural Disaster Strikes Your Business

As evidenced by the already active hurricane season, businesses in addition to homes are experiencing the devastation associated with flooding, high winds and other nature-related causes. Recovery after such a loss is traumatic and the road is long, but the following Top 5 Tips for Business Recovery After Hurricane Damage will help you begin the process to restoration:

  • Contact your insurance agent to start the business loss claim process.

  • Once it is deemed safe to return to your business, take an inventory and photos of the damage. Taking photos of damaged items will be very helpful when you file a claim with your insurance company. Don’t discard any damaged items until you have been instructed to do so by your insurance agent. Often those damaged items have to be personally assessed by an adjuster before removal to ensure they are accounted for in your claim.

  • If any equipment or inventory is salvageable, take an inventory of these items and consider moving them to an alternate location to separate damaged goods from usable goods.

  • Unless advised differently by your power/gas utility company, leave these utilities switched off for the time being so that larger repairs can be made safely. Speaking of repairs, leave dangerous work such as electrical, roofing and the like, to the professionals.

  • If you are leasing business equipment or your actual business space/location, begin contacting these companies.

Business losses due to hurricane or other natural disaster don’t have to mean the loss of your business. As you work to determine next steps to get your business back up and running, Tenet Financial Group can be an asset during your hurricane recovery process. We specialize in all types of business funding, including funding for capital equipment, retirement plan funding and more. Our goal is to help you through this difficult time so that you can return to running your business as soon as possible. Give us a call today.


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