Many people only have one retirement account (if any): their employer’s 401(k). These accounts are critical to most people’s retirement savings, but savers have little control over how the accounts…

If you’re starting a small business, does that mean you’re running a startup? And when is your business no longer a startup, but an established company? There is a difference…

The new year is the perfect time to take stock of where your business is at financially and possible even make some financial-related resolutions. Whether you’re just getting started or…

Maintaining consistent small business cash flow can be challenging. To keep growth steady and insulate your business from unexpected external factors, you need to secure a reliable source of funding.…

Equipment leasing allows you to rent necessary business equipment for a period of time without committing to buying it. Unlike purchasing, you don’t need to first procure funding for costly…

Every business will have a time (or several) when cashflow is low but they need to keep day-to-day operations moving. You know a big payday is coming when you finish…

Many entrepreneurs have heard of the loans offered through the Small Business Administration, but many aren’t exactly sure what to expect from this funding source or how to secure their…

Capital investments enable businesses to manage growth, expand their offerings and cater to a broader base of customers. The term capital investment is typically used to describe fixed assets like…

It’s uncanny how similar running a business is to coaching a football team. You might not be putting on pads and lacing up cleats, but the team's objective is still…

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) plays a key role in helping small businesses get the funding that they need to grow. To secure all of the benefits that these…